Volunteering is a great way to give back to local communities. It is hugely beneficial to the Somali and Muslim communities and wider British society that we seek to inspire through our Health & Wellbeing programmes and sports activities. There are benefits also for volunteers in terms of skills development, CV-building, meeting new people and most importantly getting regular exercise and improving their overall wellbeing!

We have opportunities for local people to become qualified coaches, run leaders, walk leaders, or games coordinators, including young people whom we are keen to join us to shape our projects for young people.

If you would like to volunteer or find out more about our volunteering roles, please contact Mohammed Ismail, projects manager on 07830622265 uffoathletic@gmail.cominfo@uf

Thank you info@uffoathletic.com info@uffoathletic.com.

Ready to Volunteer?

If you would like to volunteer or find out more about our volunteering roles, please email us,