Uffo Athletic Safeguarding Policies and codes of conduct
Date approved: 20/05/2023.
Uffo Athletic and Leisure Group Ltd.’s Welfare Officers and designated Safeguarding leads are:
Mohammed Ismail: uffoathletic@gmail.com Mobile. 07830 622265
As an organisation that predominantly provides football, athletics and running activities, we have adopted to follow the Safeguarding policies and procedures established by the UK, The Football Association and England Athletics. Therefore, our Football coaches, Athletics coaches and run leaders are licensed by the respective governing bodies and are subject to appropriate licensing conditions and checks. For the purpose of this document, Uffo Athletic and Leisure Group Ltd will be referred to as ‘Uffo Athletic’.
It is the policy of Uffo Athletic to primarily safeguard the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults who are invited to participate under the auspices of Uffo Athletic. The welfare of children is seen to be to protect them from neglect, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by members, participants, helpers, and others who are working under the auspices of Uffo Athletic.
This policy aims to make all members, participants, helpers, and others who are working under the auspices of Uffo Athletic aware of possible child abuse occurring to children who are invited to participate under the auspices of Uffo Athletic. Anyone under the age of 18 years should be considered as a child. It is also the policy of Uffo Athletic to safeguard vulnerable adults when they are participating in physical activities under the auspices of Uffo Athletic. Additionally, Uffo Athletic have a duty of care to safeguard the interests of those adults who volunteer their services to Uffo Athletic to coach or assist children in progressing their sports activities.
In the context of our organisational activities, where we directly work with children and vulnerable adults, it is vital that we have safeguarding policies and procedures in place to protect the welfare and wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults. At Uffo Athletic, we ensure staff, coaches and volunteers working children and vulnerable adults are all DBS checked and undertake regular safeguarding training to ensure they understand the latest threats to the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. All children, irrespective of their age, culture, ability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief, and/or sexual identity, have the right to protection from abuse.
For the purpose of our work, definition of vulnerable persons are individuals aged 18 years and over who have support and care needs and are unable to take care of protecting themselves against harm or exploitation for any reason. Safeguarding vulnerable adults involves reducing and preventing the risk of harm, neglect, or abuse alongside supporting them to maintain their own lives and wellbeing.
SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE SAFETY (photography and filming)
The person responsible for monitoring the content of our website (www.uffoathletic.com) and social networking areas is Mohammed Ismail and he can be contacted on 07830 6222265 or uffoathletic@gmail.com. We will not host children’s or young people’s details where they can be seen or used by others to contact them. Any details hosted should only be done with written parental/carer consent; host pictures of individuals without the express permission of parents/carers; post detail of individuals which may lead them to be identified; post or host items which may be considered to be hurtful, insulting, offensive, abusive, threatening, racist or discriminatory or otherwise may cause offence or harm to another or might incite such behaviour in others.
In addition, we will NOT publish photographs with the full name(s) of the individual(s) featured unless we have written consent to do so and we have informed the parents/carers as to how the photo will be used; use player/athlete profiles with pictures and detailed personal information online; use an image for something other than that which it was initially agreed, e.g. published in local press when initially produced for organisational commemorative picture; allow photos or film footage to be recorded in changing rooms, showers or toilets – this includes the use of mobile phones that record images; include any advertising relating to alcohol or gambling in photographs or film footage of children.
It is not your responsibility to prove or decide whether a child or an adult has been harmed or abused. It is, however, everyone’s responsibility to respond to and report any concerns they have. Any person with information of a disclosure, allegation, or concern about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult must immediately report to UKA Safeguarding Team by submitting form here SUBMIT A SAFEGUARDING CONCERN | UK Athletics and alert our Welfare Officer without a delay (see contact details above). These concerns may arise due to:
• an individual disclosing that they are being abused.
• the behaviour of an adult towards a child or vulnerable adult.
• a number of indicators observed in a child or vulnerable adult over a period of time.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. Working in partnership with children and their parents is essential for the protection of the child.
We ask that all members, participants, volunteers, parents, and coaches agree and abide by the relevant codes of conduct and agree to follow our organisation policies and adhere to these policies and codes of conduct. As such coaches, volunteers, parent/carers and children and young people have to all sign codes of conduct agreements to ensure that everyone connected to our organisation is aware of their responsibilities and protect the welfare and wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults.
Our staff, coaches and volunteers are provided with copies of our safeguarding policies and procedures during induction, training and contract agreements (external coaches/ providers) which are also available to download from our website (www.uffoathletic.com) under the resources section. You can also request copies of all our safeguarding policies and procedures by email uffoathletic@gmail.com . This summary should be read with following documents.
• UKA Child Safeguarding Policy
• UKA Child Safeguarding Procedures
• Uffo-Athletic-Adult-Safeguarding-Policy.pdf
• Uffo-Athletic-Adult-Safeguarding-Procedures.pdf
• UKA Safeguarding Regulations
• Codes-of-conduct-club-welfare-officer.pdf_0.pdf
• Codes-of-conduct-coaches.pdf
• Codes-of-conduct-volunteers-1.pdf
• Codes-of-conduct-parents-carers.pdf
• Codes-of-conduct-children-young-people.pdf_0.pdf